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Get ready to rank your vote, Portland! Fifty-eight percent of Portland voters approved ranked choice voting in 2022, paving the way for a significant change in how we elect our mayor, auditor, and city councilors. Starting with the November 2024 election, Portlanders will no longer simply choose one candidate—they’ll be able to rank up to six candidates in order of preference.
At this City Club of Portland workshop, attended by over 150 Portlanders from all four of the city’s new council voting districts, local elections staff explained the nuts and bolts of how it works. Tim Scott, Director of Elections at Multnomah County; Leah Benson, Ranked Choice Voting Project Manager at Multnomah County; and James Eccles, Elections Analyst at the Portland City Auditor’s Office guided attendees through how to mark their ballots and how vote tabulation works through a live mock election. They also responded to audience questions about the new system.
Special thanks to our City Club producers Bobbie Regan and Sam Metz. We were also fortunate to have Mark Stephan, City Club Past President, as our emcee. The event began with welcoming remarks by Peyton Chapman, Principal of Lincoln High School.
Thank you City Club for educating us all on ranked choice voting last night! It was an honor to welcome everyone to our new school and start the introductions. It was lovely to have attendees from all four of Portland’s new voting districts with us at LHS.
Peyton Chapman, Lincoln high school principal

Thank you to our Season Sponsor – AARP Oregon
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